Salvatore Licitra

Sal­va­to­re Lici­tra (Ita­ly)
dou­ble bass, electric bass, tuba

Instru­men­ta­list Sal­va­to­re Lici­tra (Dou­ble Bass, Electric Bass, Tuba) was born in Sici­ly, Ita­ly, whe­re he star­ted on the upright bass play­ing with local groups and orche­s­tras. Later he moved to Rome whe­re he stu­di­ed both clas­si­cal and jazz con­tra­bass. After his stu­dies he con­ti­nued in Rome play­ing dif­fe­rent styles. He was a resi­dent dou­ble bass play­er for the Vel­vet­to­ni band, per­forming bur­les­que at the Mic­ca Club. He play­ed live in various clubs and thea­tres in Rome, abo­ve all the renow­ned Rome’s theat­re Salo­ne Margherita.

Shows per­for­med in: Vel­vet Caba­ret, Eli­sir, Swingles­que, Lost Vegas, Goc­ce di Charles­ton, Bur­les­que Safari.

Sal­va­to­re has per­for­med with artists, such as: Eve la Plu­me (Chiam­bret­ti Night), Lady­vette and many more.

He play­ed and per­for­med in several Ita­li­an jazz fes­ti­vals with New Talents Jazz Orches­tra (con­duc­ted by C.Corvini), Cara­van Night Orches­tra (con­duc­ted by Ema­nue­le Friel­lo and Ste­fa­no Sca­toz­za), Roma Ter­mi­ni Orches­tra (con­duc­ted by Enri­co Blat­ti), Night fly Quar­tet, Glenn Bran­ca, Dif­fe­rent Flowers, Mar­ce­lo Nisi­man, Gian­ni Iorio, Muri­el Grossmann

Sal­va­to­re was resi­dent electric bass play­er in the live show tour of “I Miglio­ri Anni”, pro­duc­ted by Rino e Katia Fium­ara. Electric bass/Double bass play­er in the fol­lowing theat­re show:“Hamlet in Vor­tex” del regis­ta C.Sisto(Rai), Con­cert-show “Chia­ri di luna” (musi­che di C.Bolling), Show “Dis­co Theat­re” with Feder­i­co Per­rot­ta (Colo­ra­do cafè) and Valen­ti­na Olla ‚Musi­cal “Rent” per­for­med by John Cabot Uni­ver­si­ty of Rome, Musi­cal “Jesus Christ Super­star” with the Black Knight Com­pa­ny, Gala show pre­sen­ted by Moni­ca Guer­ri­to­re e Pino Insegno.

He cur­r­ent­ly lives and works on Ibi­za and is part of dif­fe­rent pro­jects as upright bass play­er. He also tea­ches con­tra­bass and tuba in the “Con­ser­va­to­rio del Patro­na­to de Músi­ca” in Can Vento­sa and is regu­lar mem­ber of the sym­pho­nic orche­s­tras of Ibi­za and Mallorca.