
–> Muri­el Gross­mann was nomi­na­ted as Aus­tri­an per­so­na­li­ty 2024 in the cate­go­ry SUCCESS INTERNATIONAL, voting open til begin­ning of Octo­ber,  THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR VOTING, I HAVE REACHED THE SECOND ROUND!
Muri­el Gross­mann Por­trät 24


–> Muri­el Gross­mann Quar­tet fea­turing Abel Boque­ra on ham­mond

–> Muri­el Gross­mann Quar­tet fea­turing Txema Rie­ra on ham­mond B3 at GILLES PETERSON PRESENTSIMPRESSIONS 2024, FONDATION MAEGHT, St. Paul de Vence 09/08/24 21:30HRS

–> ‚Devo­ti­on‘ review by Elliott Simon in The New York City Jazz Record, March 2024
„… This new release is the group’s rea­li­sa­ti­on of embo­dy­ing a broa­der scope, ana­lo­gous to pre­sen­ting full sym­pho­nies rather than focu­sed con­cer­tos. … Devo­ti­on is sur­pri­sin­gly the saxophonist´s U.S. label debut, and with it she crafts a trans­cen­dent musi­cal expe­ri­ence, crea­ting a musi­cal “uber” sta­te — a mul­ti­fa­ce­ted jour­ney through her diver­se influ­en­ces and bey­ond …”Elliott Simon

–> 2/03/24 at 20:00h MURIEL GROSSMANN QUARTET … plays DEVOTION in DAI, Kul­tir­zen­trum Hei­del­berg, Germany

–> 1/03/24 at 20:30h MURIEL GROSSMANN QUARTET … plays DEVOTION in Jazz­club Han­no­ver, Germany

-> 15/02/24 at 20:30h MURIEL GROSSMANN QUARTET … plays DEVOTION in Por­gy & Bess, Vien­na Aus­tria TICKETS HERE

–> The best Jazz on Band­camp, Jann 2024
“In one breath, Muri­el Gross­man draws every bit of sere­ni­ty her joy­ful sound has to give, while genera­ting enough inten­si­ty to make it reso­na­te across the bre­adth of the pla­net…“Dave Sum­ner  ENTIRE REVIEW HERE

–>  ‘Devo­ti­on’ review by Brent Siro­ta in Aqua­ri­um­drunkard, Los Ange­les, Feb 2nd 2024
“Some­ti­mes, they are mani­fes­ting the oneness of the uni­ver­se; and some­ti­mes, they are just taking our asses to church. …At a mam­mo­th, mul­ti­co­lo­red nine­ty minu­tes brim­ming with relent­less­ly inven­ti­ve play­ing and irre­sis­ti­ble group dyna­mics, Devo­ti­on encap­su­la­tes ever­ything that is exhilara­ting about Muri­el Grossmann’s alrea­dy sub­stan­ti­al oeu­vre. …Here all the rest­less sonic divina­ti­on that has cha­rac­te­ri­zed much of her ear­lier work is brought back down to earth and chan­n­eled into the unstopp­a­ble groo­ve. It is, after all, the people’s music.” Brent Siro­ta

–> Muri­el Gross­mann Explo­res A Uni­ver­se of Bound­less Pos­si­bi­li­tiy, All About Jazz, by David Kauf­man, 7/2/2024 

–> Muri­el Gross­mann im Inter­view mit Mar­kus Dei­sen­ber­ger von MICA Aus­tria “War Spie­len Für Die Musik” 30/1/2024 TRANSLATION HERE

–>  ‘Devo­ti­on’ review by Leo­nid Aus­kern in Jazz­Quad, Bela­rus, 2023
” … It is curious that in terms of style Muri­el does not seem to offer anything revo­lu­tio­na­ry. But from the alrea­dy fami­li­ar “bricks”, with the talent of an out­stan­ding archi­tect, she assem­bles a buil­ding that is equal­ly har­mo­nious and spec­ta­cu­lar, both in struc­tu­re and in deco­ra­ti­ve ele­ments. An examp­le of this is liter­al­ly any pie­ce on the album…all the mem­bers of the quar­tet are so con­vin­cing that they only con­firm the con­vic­tion for­med during this hour and a half of lis­tening to the album that this is Muri­el Grossman’s best album in recent years Leo­nid Auskern

–> Review of DEVOTION ALL MUSIC Gui­de by Matt Collar
“If someo­ne play­ed you saxo­pho­nist Muri­el Grossmann’s 2023 album Devo­ti­on and said it was a les­ser-known organ and psych-soul-jazz album from the late ’60s, you might just belie­ve them. It’s an evo­ca­ti­ve vibe the Euro­pean instru­men­ta­list has been per­fec­ting for over a deca­de and which she brings to new levels here…” Matt Col­lar

–> Inter­view with Muri­el Gross­mann in Jazz­blues­news: My deepest wish is to spread joy and bliss through my music

–> Review of DEVOTION in The Decem­ber “Eclec­tic Dis­co­ve­ries No.9″ of Gold­mi­ne Maga­zin 13.12.23
“.. Gross­mann has released her uni­que brand of jazz music into the uni­ver­sal sonic ethers, and has, through her own ves­sel, car­ri­ed the deeply eclec­tic spi­rit of some of the grea­test jazz play­ers of all time … into the new mill­en­ni­um, without reser­ve, without con­for­mi­ty, and without shame.  It would be easy to say that Muri­el Grossmann’s musi­cal hand­print has made way for her to be ack­now­led­ged as one of the grea­test jazz musi­ci­ans of the 21st Cen­tu­ry … DEVOTION … a con­ti­nua­tion of her Uni­ver­sal Code pro­ject, but also what is very pos­si­b­ly one of the grea­test jazz albums of the new mill­en­ni­um, by far. Tone Scott

–> Review of DEVOTION in wswalcottmedicineshow
“.. from my first lis­ten to Devo­ti­on I knew the­re was some­thing about it which real­ly scrat­ched that itch.  What itch “that” was, I wasn’t 100% sure but I knew right away that I was dig­ging it.  … Devo­ti­on feels like Gross­man has mana­ged to take the timing and spa­cing that Gar­cia lear­ned from Col­tra­ne and trans­form it into her own space.  To fur­ther cor­re­la­te the Gar­cia feel to this album, Devo­ti­on almost feels like what Legi­on of Mary would have sound­ed like if Mar­tín Fier­ro was front and cen­ter rather than Jer­ry and Merle.”

–>WATCH the glo­rious VISUALIZER of Tit­le song DEVOTION by Sarah Lind­say Goldstein

–> Review of DEVOTION in Dus­ty Groo­ve Chicago
“… as Gross­man real­ly opens up that mix of modal and spi­ri­tu­al styles she does so well … – in a com­bo that also fea­tures gre­at Ham­mond B3 from Abel Boque­ra, gui­tar from Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic, and drums from Uros Sta­men­ko­vic. At times, the organ is used almost in a Lar­ry Young sort of way – but other moments have the instru­ment in moo­dier waves of sound, espe­cial­ly when things get slight­ly exo­tic – and the dou­ble-length set opens up with beau­ti­ful tunes throughout …” Dus­ty Groo­ve, Chicago



–>  01/12/2023  New release   2x12“Vinyl  DEVOTION TMR-960   by THIRD MAN RECORDS PRE-SALE NOW at   Third Man Records or at MY BANDCAMP PAGE
with Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic on gui­tar, Abel Boque­ra on organ, Uros Sta­men­ko­vic on drums  Art­work by Jomo­to­pia

–>  Review of UNIVERSAL CODE by Tone Scott, Gold­mi­ne Maga­zin, 18.08.23 
Uni­ver­sal Code is a per­fect modern approach to the essen­ces of Hard-Bop (slight­ly), Post-Bop, Soul Jazz and Modal Jazz collec­tively strewn over a ’new mill­en­ni­um’ musi­cal can­vas. To me, what sets this new album apart …  is the cohe­si­ve­ness across the ent­i­re pro­ject that makes the album bla­tant­ly feel as if it free-flows along as one ent­i­re musi­cal suite with nine various move­ments.  Ano­t­her musi­cal pro­per­ty that adds to the uni­queness of Uni­ver­sal Code, is an almost psy­che­de­lic under­to­ne scat­te­red over various ele­ments of the record… much of the musi­cal accom­p­animent as well as much of Grossmann’s play­ing con­vey the very ele­ments that make albums like Santana’s Abra­xas and Jef­fer­son Airplane’s Sur­rea­listic Pil­low, sub­t­le psy­che­de­lic mas­ter­pie­ces … Moreo­ver, the modern day ico­nic sound signa­tu­re of Muri­el Gross­mann, with wha­te­ver tona­li­ty of saxo­pho­ne she choo­ses to wie­ld, is, in every way, the very rea­son I keep com­ing back, over and over, for each new release. 

–> Muri­el Gross­mann Quar­tet fea­turing Eli­as Mei­ri on keys at DANAUS FESTIVAL 2023, Sce­ne du Cha­teux, Touret­te Levens 03/08/23 21:15hrs

–> Muri­el Gross­mann Quar­tet fea­turing Lorenç Bar­ce­lo on ham­mond B3 at GETXO JAZZ 2023, Pla­za de la Estación de Algor­ta, Getxo 19/06/23 19hrs

–>  Review of UNIVERSAL CODE by Tim Cas­par Boeh­ne, HHV Maga­zin Ger­ma­ny, 28.06.23 TRANSLATION HERE
“Uni­ver­sal Code” … sim­ply pro­ves to be a clas­sic voca­bu­la­ry that deri­ves its moder­ni­ty from the fact that the­se melo­dies and har­mo­nies, the­se phra­sings and accents, all natu­ral­ly fall into place and speak direct­ly to the lis­tener. The first three tracks are named “Reso­nance,” “Cla­ri­ty,” and “Inter­con­nec­tion,” pre­cise­ly describ­ing what the music does to you.” Tim Casper Boeh­ne, HHVMAG

–>  Ent­re­vis­ta con Muri­el Gross­mann — De Lo spi­ri­tu­al en el Jazz, AUX121, Jun Jul 23, Espa­ña, Jani­re Goi­koetxea TRANSLATION HERE

–>  09/06/2023  New release   2x12“Vinyl  UNIVERSAL CODE   by  RR GEMS Records
with Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic on gui­tar, Llo­renç Bar­celó on organ, Uros Sta­men­ko­vic on drums and Gina Schwarz on bass on song Non- Dua­li­ty, Essence and Libe­ra­ti­on. Art­work by Jomo­to­pia

–>  Thril­led to be part of the exi­t­ing sub­scrip­ti­on packa­ge of THIRD MAN RECORD hono­u­ring the gre­at electric Miles David-Fearless

–>  Review of BIRTH OF THE MYSTERY in Dus­ty Groo­ve Chicago
“An ear­ly gem from saxo­pho­nist Muri­el Gross­mann – alrea­dy at the sort of apex that would make her one of the key spi­ri­tu­al jazz play­ers in the deca­de to come – crea­ting the sort of music that’s made her one of our favo­ri­te con­tem­pora­ry jazz musi­ci­ans here at Dus­ty Groo­ve! The vibe here is slight­ly dif­fe­rent than some of Grossmann’s more recent mate­ri­al – may­be a bit more open and less modal, but still with this way of buil­ding up a tune in the­se bold blocks of sound!…” Dus­ty Groo­ve, Chicago

–>  Album review for UNIVERSAL CODE in skjazz, Slo­va­kia by Jan Hocek Trans­la­ti­on HERE
“…she found a true uni­ver­sal code of modern jazz;  tog­e­ther with her team­ma­tes, she liter­al­ly crea­ted the essence of the most vital, the most endu­ring jazz, … lis­tener is expo­sed to the attack of some­thing almost other­world­ly, sim­ply inde­scri­bable. … it must be added that the ent­i­re album does not have a sin­gle weak­ness and if you let yourself be absor­bed, you will be rewar­ded with an extra­or­di­na­ry lis­tening expe­ri­ence that has the power to tru­ly enrich your life.  It’s not just music, it’s some­thing that trans­cends a person…”

–>  01/02/2023  New release! Album BIRTH OF THE MYSTERY (2010) on Vinyl, released by Pas­se­ri­ne Records in a limi­ted edi­ti­on of 300ex.
order at Dus­ty Groo­ve Deep Groo­ve Mai­ne, Mai­ne USA; Red Scoll Records, CT USA; Father Her­bie Records, Thes­sa­lo­ni­ki, GR; Turt­le Records, Brussels, BE
with Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic on gui­tar, David Mar­ro­quin on upright bass. Mar­ko Jela­ca on drums.

–> Pho­tos of Trans­mu­si­ca­les Fes­ti­val, Ren­nes 2022 by Ber­nard Sam­mut 
–> Pho­tos of Sonic City Fes­ti­val by Barreteau/Lapasin 
–> Autumn Tour 2022 Recab by Dmi­tri Kali­nin 
Con­cert review Can­nes “Muri­el and Her Boys“in Polar, Jazz & Blues Dec 2022 t
rans­la­ti­on HERE

Sounds ins­tead of Ani­mals by Lars Fleischmann

–>  Review of UNIVERSAL CODE by Pip­po Kuhzart
“This is the real deal, the jazz that blows you through once, but blows through your clam­my, anxious mind, lets the lis­tener belie­ve that joy and peace are pos­si­ble, uni­ver­sal even. .… This is the real deal. Big stuff, enor­mous, mas­ter­ful, but not serious — it sounds too effort­less for that, too self-evi­dent in its abi­li­ties, real experts know no snob­be­ry, they draw the mas­ses into their won­der­ful extra world whe­re ever­yo­ne can be inclu­ded. See Muri­el Gross­mann and die, folks” 

–>  Review of UNIVERSAL CODE in Dus­ty Groo­ve Chicago
“A fan­tastic record that not only con­ti­nues the gre­at blend of sounds that saxo­pho­nist Muri­el Gross­mann has given us in recent years, but also pushes things for­ward with a stun­ning com­bi­na­ti­on that real­ly knocks things out of the park! … Things are still as spi­ri­tu­al as befo­re, but may­be step back a bit to bring in some soul­ful organ and gui­tar cur­r­ents from a pre­vious genera­ti­on too – at a level that con­ti­nues to make Muri­el one of our favo­ri­te con­tem­pora­ry play­ers in jazz!” Dus­ty Groo­ve, Chicago

–>  ‘Uni­ver­sal Code’ review by Leo­nid Aus­kern in Jazz­Quad, Bela­rus, 2022
” … Muri­el offe­red the lis­teners a pro­gram of nine new com­po­si­ti­ons, per­for­med in her cha­rac­te­ris­tic style, orga­ni­cal­ly com­bi­ning the most modern trends in jazz with a solid back­ground of Coltrane’s ide­as. Perhaps this time this syn­the­sis tur­ned out to be the most impres­si­ve, and the ensem­ble sound in Uni­ver­sal Code see­med to me the most solid and inte­gral. ..hope my brief and sub­jec­ti­ve impres­si­ons will let you dis­co­ver this very talen­ted and crea­ti­ve per­for­mer and com­po­ser.

–>  02/11/2022  New release! Album UNIVERSAL CODE on CD,
Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic on gui­tar, Llo­renç Bar­celó on organ, Uros Sta­men­ko­vic on drums with  Gina Schwarz on upright bass.

–> Muri­el Gross­mann Quar­tet fea­turing Ali­na Bzhez­hin­s­ka on harp at JAZZ POINT IBIZA 2022, Con­ser­va­to­ri de Cata­li­na Bufi, Eivis­sa 16/10/22 12hrs

–> Muri­el Gross­mann Quar­tet at FIRA B, Museu de Mal­lor­ca, Pal­ma 29/09/22 18hrs
–> Muri­el Gross­mann Quar­tet at KUKUK, Kunst­haus Weiz, Aus­tria 16/09/22 19hrs

–> Muri­el Gross­mann Quar­tet at PARIS JAZZ FEST 04/09/22 15HRS

–> Muri­el Gross­mann Quar­tet at Leu­ven Jazz 18/03/22

–>  ‚Uni­on‘ review by Elliott Simon in New York City Jazz Records, March 2022
„Saxo­pho­nist Muri­el Gross­mann is the con­sum­ma­te com­bi­na­ti­on of jazz spi­ri­tua­li­ty, blues and funk. While direc­ting her band to main­tain a modern crea­ti­ve groo­ve, she beck­ons John Coltrane’s spi­rit with a sin­gle note. With equal nods to Col­tra­ne and Al Kooper, Gross­mann is ‘Her Holy Modal High­ness’ … Recor­ded in stu­dio, the ses­si­on impres­ses with the immedi­a­cy of a live per­for­mance. When Col­tra­ne said he had found a way into a new kind of music this is what he was tal­king about. …”

–> Con­cert review of the Con­cert of Muri­el Gross­mann Quar­tet in Por­gy & Bess, Vien­na, 23th of Jan 2022 by Samir Köck, Die Pres­se  eng­lish trans­la­ti­on here

–> Review of Uni­on in Avo­po­lis by Zois Chal­kio­pou­los, Athens, Jan 2022 eng­lish trans­la­ti­on here

–>  TV-Por­trait: Muri­el Gross­mann by Diet­mar Pet­schl in, Kul­tur­mon­tag ORF, Kul­tur­zeit 3 SAT WITH ENGLISH SUBTITLES WATCH HERE

–>  New Video on You­tube OUT NOW ! WATCH HERE

–>  New Video on You­tube OUT NOW ! WATCH HERE

–>  Mark Corroto’s Best Record­ings Of 2021 in All About Jazz
“Saxo­pho­nist Muri­el Gross­mann does­n’t shy away from her Col­tra­ne influ­en­ces. I use influ­ence in the plu­ral, becau­se her music reminds me of both John and Ali­ce Col­tra­ne. Both soni­cal­ly and spi­ri­tual­ly, she has that cer­tain spe­cial extra we cra­ve from our musicians.”

–> Review of Uni­on in All About Jazz by Mark Cor­ro­to, 2021
” … the ver­si­ons heard here are more vibrant than their first incar­na­ti­ons. Chalk that up to Gross­man and com­pa­ny working and rewor­king the­se com­po­si­ti­ons in per­for­man­ces. The band’s fami­lia­ri­ty with the mate­ri­al blossoms into a stel­lar recording. ”

–> Muri­el Gross­mann: “La músi­ca es siemp­re una refle­xión de lo que está pasan­do en ti”, Inter­view of Lost Ange­les in Mal­lor­ca Music Maga­zi­ne, 5th of Dec 2021, eng­lish trans­la­ti­on here

–> Pho­to­gal­le­ry: Muri­el Gross­mann Quar­tet (Fira B! 2021. Mal­lor­ca) by José Luis Luna Rocafort

–> BANDCAMP WEEKLY pres­ents UNION on release date 2nd of Nov 2021 

–>  Review of UNION in Dus­ty Groo­ve Chicago
UNION …Com­ple­te­ly stun­ning music from the mar­ve­lous Muri­el Gross­mann – a saxo­pho­nist who’s beco­me one of our favo­ri­te jazz talents over the cour­se of the past deca­de – thanks to deeply spi­ri­tu­al work like this!… If you’­ve not heard the music of Muri­el Gross­mann befo­re, you’­re in for a tre­at – and if you have, your collec­tion of real­ly spe­cial albums just got one record big­ger!” Dus­ty Groo­ve, Chicago

–>  Review of UNION in UK VIBE by Mike Gates
“The band are so tog­e­ther, jour­ney­ing on and out­ward … It’s an incredi­b­ly power­ful sound … And so, once more, Muri­el Gross­mann has deli­ve­r­ed a won­der­ful album for our ears, hearts, and minds, to sit back and enjoy.“ Mike Gates, UK VIBE

mail to

–> Con­cert review from Con­cert on Jazz Point Ibi­za 2020 in PIKES IBIZA in Toma­jazz by Lost Angeles

Muri­el Gross­mann Quar­tet plays JAZZ POINT IBIZA 2021 OPENING DINNER PARTY 14/11/21, 20 hrs at PIKES IBIZA
(with the kind sup­port of Joel Chriss & Co NYC, IMA, Ibi­za and Con­sell de Ibi­za, IEB)
with Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic on gui­tar, Llo­renç Bar­celó ham­mond, Uros Sta­men­ko­vic on drums’


–>  02/11/2021  New release   12“Vinyl  UNION   by  RR GEMS Records
with Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic on gui­tar, Llo­renç Bar­celó on organ, Uros Sta­men­ko­vic on drums

–>  02/11/2021  New release! Album UNION on CD,
with Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic on gui­tar, Llo­renç Bar­celó on organ, Uros Sta­men­ko­vic on drums

–>  Review of NATURAL TIME with bonus Track DUSTY GROOVECHICAGO Nov 2021
A real step for­ward for saxo­pho­nist Muri­el Gross­mann – as the set seems to have a new sort of fire that wasn’t the­re on her debut … The tunes here all have this fan­tastic sen­se of pul­se …  Dus­ty Groo­ve, Chicago

 02/11/2021  the 2016 album NATURAL TIME, released for the first time on 2x12“Vinyl  by  Dream­land­re­cords, dis­tri­bu­t­ed by RR GEMS Records
with Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic on gui­tar, Gina Schwarz on bass, Uros Sta­men­ko­vic on drums

–>  02/11/2021  the 2016 album NATURAL TIME, released on Cd  by  Dream­land­re­cord  with a NEW phy­si­cal only track INNER FIRE !
with Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic on gui­tar, Gina Schwarz on bass,  Uros Sta­men­ko­vic on drums

–>   Arti­cle of Mihá­ly Czé­kus in Hang­zás­Világ Maga­zin Hun­ga­ry, Aug/2021
eng­lish trans­la­ti­on here

–> “Was ich wuss­te, war: Ich will in die Son­ne!” Muri­el Gross­mann im MICA INTERVIEW: by Mar­kus Dei­sen­ber­ger, 16th of June 2021 eng­lish trans­la­ti­on here

–>   20/09/2021  Upco­m­ing New release   12“Vinyl  UNION   by  RR GEMS Records
with Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic on gui­tar, Llo­renç Bar­celó on organ and Uros Sta­men­ko­vic on drums

–>  TV-Por­trait: Muri­el Gross­mann by Diet­mar Pet­schl in Kul­tur­zeit 3 SAT 10th of May 2021, plea­se see from min 28

–>  Arti­cle: Muri­el Gross­mann And All That Jazz, Ibi­ca­sa, by Jer­ry Brownstein

–>  Edi­tors Pic Review of QUIET EARTH Down­beat by Dave Cantor
” With a steady stream of records flowing sin­ce 2007, the work … invo­kes natu­re as easi­ly as the stur­dy histo­ry of spi­ri­tu­al-jazz. .… she cemen­ted her voice and refi­ned her sonic purpose.”

–>  Review of QUIET EARTH in UK VIBE by Ian Ward
” … a medi­ta­ti­ve sin­gle-voice spi­ri­tua­li­ty that evo­kes hope and posi­ti­ve ener­gies and allows tho­se of us for­tu­n­a­te enough to be able to con­nect with it, to feel healing, growth, and uplift. …” 

–> ‘Quiet Earth’ review by Dus­ty Groo­ve, Chi­ca­go, 2020
“… This album’s got the ama­zing rhyth­mic pul­se of Grossman’s pre­vious records, but also shifts the sound slight­ly too – as in addi­ti­on to the fan­tastic use of gui­tar by Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic, the set also fea­tures the­se stron­gly swir­ling organ lines from Llo­renç Bar­ce­lo – in a way that makes us ima­gi­ne what it might sound like if we ever got to hear tho­se lost jam ses­si­ons bet­ween John Col­tra­ne and Lar­ry Young!”

–>  Review of Quiet Earth in All About Jazz by Mark Cor­ro­to, 2020


–>  04/12/2020  New release   12“Vinyl  QUIET EARTH   by  RR GEMS Records
with Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic on gui­tar, Llo­renç Bar­celó on organ, Gina Schwarz on bass and Uros Sta­men­ko­vic on drums

–> ‘Quiet Earth’ review by Leo­nid Aus­kern in Jazz­Quad, Bela­rus, 2020
“ … for me per­so­nal­ly, Muri­el Grossmann’s music always evo­kes the most posi­ti­ve emo­ti­ons. … To com­po­se music and put into the per­for­mance so much expres­si­on and talent that the lis­tener feels and remem­bers this pas­sio­na­te mes­sa­ge without words from the gre­at mas­ter of modern jazz, Muri­el Grossmann.”

–>  For PRE-SALE OUT NOW !! 29/11/2020  new album  QUIET EARTH
with Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic on gui­tar, Llo­renç Bar­celó on organ, Gina Schwarz on bass and Uros Sta­men­ko­vic on drums

–>  OUT NOW !  12“Vinyl x 2LP   HHV SUMMER OF JAZZ presents:
REVERENCE HHV Exclu­si­ve Trans­pa­rent Red (limi­ted to 200) by RR GEMS Records

–> ‘Eine Wie­ne­rin erobert die Jazz­welt’ in ‘die Pres­se’ by Samir H. Köck, July 2020 eng­lish trans­la­ti­on here

–> Review of REVERENCE in Jazz podi­um by Thors­ten Mey­er, May-June 2020

–> ‘Muri­el Gross­mann — Ein Echo der Frü­hen Sech­zi­ger in dai­ly Ber­lin News­pa­per ‘TAZ’, May 20, 2020 eng­lish trans­la­ti­on here

–>  Review of REVERENCE in THE VINY PRESS by Bill Hart

–>  Review of ELEVATION in Dus­ty Groo­ve Chicago
…“Fan­tastic work from saxo­pho­nist Muri­el Gross­mann – a play­er who’s tur­ning out to be as important to our genera­ti­on as John Col­tra­ne and Pha­ro­ah San­ders were to theirs!”

–>  Review of ELEVATION in UK VIBE by Mike Gates

–> Por­trait ‘Muri­el Gross­mann — Abs­trac­tion with A Sea View’ in ‘HHV ‑Maga­zi­ne’, by  Chris­toph Ben­k­e­ser, May 2020

with Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic on gui­tar, Gina Schwarz on bass and Uros Sta­men­ko­vic on drums

–> ‘An Inter­view With Muri­el Gross­mann’ in the Zine: The Gre­at Migra­ti­on, March 2020, by Leon T. Smith lll

–> Por­trait ‘Mit John Col­tra­ne Nach Ibi­za’ in der ‘ZEIT’, by Chris­ti­an Staas, March 2020

–> Por­trait ‘Muri­el Gross­mann — Her Name is Jazz’ in MIC.GR by Aρη Καραμπεάζη, Aris Karam­pea­zis April 2020

–> Muri­el Gross­mann, Gol­den Rule. Jazz Espi­ri­tu­al de la mas actu­al’ by Lro­tu­la,

–>  OUT NOW !  Edi­ti­on 2#   12“Vinyl x 2LP   GOLDEN RULE by RR GEMS Records

with Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic on gui­tar, Gina Schwarz on bass and Uros Sta­men­ko­vic on drums

Muri­el Gross­mann Quin­tet fea­turing Joe San­ders on bass plays JAZZ POINT IBIZA 06/03/20, 21 hrs in HEART IBIZA 
(with the kind sup­port of Joel Chriss&Co NYC, IMA, Ibi­za and Con­sell de Ibiza)
with Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic on gui­tar, Llo­renç Bar­celó on ham­mond, Uros Sta­men­ko­vic on drums
fea­turing Joe San­ders on bass

–>  Muri­el Gross­mann Quin­tet plays VINTERJAZZ Mythic Sunshi­ne resi­den­cy 29/02/20, 21 hrs in ALICE 
(with the kind sup­port of Insti­tur d’E­stu­dis Baleàrics)
with Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic on gui­tar, Llo­renç Bar­celó on ham­mond, Gina Schwarz on bass and Uros Sta­men­ko­vic on drums

–> Inter­view in PSYCHEDELIC BABY MAGAZINE by  Kle­men Brez­nikar

–> Head over to BANDCAMP WEEKLY hea­ring the  inter­view with Andrew Jervis

–> “Gross­mann gets to the Roots of Rhythm” by Deni­se Sul­li­van Down­beat Feb 2020  
“…  her new album Rever­ence is a modern masterpiece” …
“Muri­el Gross­mann cha­rac­te­ri­ses her Quintet‘s latest album, Rever­ence, as a spi­ri­tu­al-jazz effort — the sum of her devo­ti­on to a lifel­ong explo­ra­ti­on of rhyth­ms, par­ti­cu­lar­ly tho­se of Afri­can ori­gin. The album is Grossmann’s attempt to com­bi­ne what she calls the “reas­su­ring ele­ments of spi­ri­tu­al-jazz” and its antecedents. … ”

–>  10/12/2019  new album  REVERENCE  on CD out !!
with Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic on gui­tar, Gina Schwarz on bass and Uros Sta­men­ko­vic on drums, Llo­renç Bar­celó on organ

–>  Review of REVERENCE in All­Mu­sic gui­de by Thom Jurek
“… That group is appen­ded here by Mal­lorcan Ham­mond B‑3 orga­nist Llo­renç Bar­celó, who­se play­ing crea­tes a wide palet­te of tonal, rhyth­mic, and tex­tu­ral pos­si­bi­li­ties. Grossmann’s eight com­po­si­ti­ons con­ti­nue to evo­ke Col­tra­ne as a touch­stone, but they also embrace the poly­rhyth­mic tra­di­ti­ons of the Afri­can con­ti­nent and fil­ter their dis­co­ve­ries through the band’s inna­te groo­ve con­scious­ness. … 
Here, their inspi­ra­ti­on, com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on, and pro­found explo­ra­ti­on, result in a new water­mark for excel­lence in jazz.” 

–>  Review of Muri­el Gross­mann REVERENCE Vinyl in UK Vibe, by Nick Schlitt­ner, Dec 2019  “… ‘Rever­ence’ is a record that con­sist­ent­ly and respect­ful­ly draws on Afri­ca influ­en­ces to crea­te won­der­ful, memo­r­able, mul­ti-laye­red, ori­gi­nal and exu­berant tunes. … It’s a joy and a pri­vi­le­ge to hear such a won­der­ful album. If Gol­den Rule was per­me­a­ted with the spi­rit of John Col­tra­ne then ‘Rever­ence’ which with its swir­ling organs, gor­ge­ous strings, and Rado­mir Milojkovic’s dri­ving gui­tar is explo­ring the paths first tra­vel­led by Ali­ce Col­tra­ne, Miles electric bands and Lar­ry Young. It is power­ful, insis­tent, crea­ti­ve and joy­ous music ancho­red by an ama­zin­gly tight rhythm sec­tion that groo­ves like hell…”

–>  ‘Rever­ence’ review by Leo­nid Aus­kern in Jazz­Quad, Bela­rus, 2019
” … Her play­ing is still unusual­ly emo­tio­nal and impec­ca­ble in tech­ni­que. … In a word, Rever­ence marks a defi­ni­te turn in the search for this very talen­ted per­for­mer and com­po­ser. …  I think the album will bring a lot of plea­su­re to its listeners.”

–>  New release   12“Vinyl x 2LP   REVERENCE   by  RR GEMS Records
with Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic on gui­tar, Gina Schwarz on bass, Uros Sta­men­ko­vic on drums and Llo­renç Bar­celó on organ
REVERENCE, RRGEMS07, RR Gems Records, 2019

–>  Video of WATER BOWL from RR GERMS Records OUT NOW ! WATCH HERE

fotos of Fran­cis­co Miro Moll from SALA ALBERT CAMUS, St. Lou­is Menor­ca 27th of Sep­tiembre 2019

–> Con­cert review from Con­cert a We Jazz 2019 in G Live Lab, Hel­sin­ki 2020 in PIKES by Ant­o­ny Shaw, All About Jazz

–>  Muri­el Gross­mann Quin­tet plays WE JAZZ FESTIVAL 2019, 5/12/19, 20 hrs in G Livel
ab,Helsinki and 6/12/19, 21 hrs in Sve­ta Baar, Tallinn
(with the kind sup­port of Aus­tri­an Embas­sy Hel­sin­ki, Tallinn)
with Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic on gui­tar, Llo­rens Bar­ce­lo on ham­mond, Gina Schwarz on bass and Uros Sta­men­ko­vic on drums

–>  Review of Muri­el Gross­mann GOLDEN RULE Vinyl in french Impro­jazz by Marc Sar­ra­zy, Nr. 259/2019
“… Pri­mal music, which reaches the body in the deepest, which numbs the soul of into­xi­ca­ting flow, living music, which nou­ris­hes us. … Lis­tening to the latest records by Muri­el Gross­mann, until the publi­ca­ti­on of this indis­pu­ta­ble mas­ter­pie­ce, it is not an exa­g­ge­ra­ti­on to say that the saxo­pho­nist is a direct heir to the JC mas­ter, cer­tain­ly the most sin­ce­re and the most sen­si­ti­ve of this young century …”

–>  Muri­el Gross­mann Quin­tet plays INCA FESTIVAL 2019,
21st of July, 21 hrs
with Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic on gui­tar, Llo­rens Bar­ce­lo on ham­mond, Gina Schwarz on bass and Uros Sta­men­ko­vic on drums

–>  Con­cert review of Muri­el Gross­mann Quar­tet on Vijazz Festival
     by Mar­tí Far­ré, July 2019

–>  “The fema­le spi­rit of Jazz” by Enri­que Fare­lo, Jun 2019

–>  Muri­el Gross­mann Quar­tet plays VIJAZZ FESTIVAL Pene­des 2019,
Cicle Elles i el Jazz, 5th of July, 21 hrs
with Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic on gui­tar, Llo­rens Bar­ce­loon ham­mond and Uros Sta­men­ko­vic on drums

–>  New release   7“Vinyl   GOLDEN RULE / OKAN TI AYE (Radio Edits)   by  JAZZ45, JAZZMAN RECORDS , 5th of May 2019
with Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic on gui­tar, Gina Schwarz on bass and Uros Sta­men­ko­vic on drums

Die Ö1 Jazz­nacht … Guest in the stu­dio of Radio Ö1, Vienna

–>  Por­trait: Muri­el Gross­mann, Gol­den Rule Jazz espi­ri­tu­al de lo mas actu­al, 22th of April 2019

 fotos  and review of Peter Pur­ger from STOCKWERK GRAZ, 27th of March 2019

–>  favo­ri­te record album cover fea­ture in Joe Maita’s Jer­ry Jazz Musi­ci­an , March 2019

–>  Por­trait in Jazz­po­di­um by Thors­ten Mey­er, Feb 2019


–>  Review of GOLDEN RULE in THE VINY PRESS by Bill Hart
“… you get the sen­se that this Medi­ter­ra­ne­an island off the coast of Spain, with its sun splas­hed vis­tas of oce­an and moun­tains, its­elf play­ed a role in influ­en­cing the sound and shape of Muri­el Grossman’s work: the­re is gre­at beau­ty here, and a mix of cul­tu­ral influ­en­ces that, like the island, lend a uni­que feel to the proceedings …”

–>  Review of GOLDEN RULE in All­Mu­sic gui­de by Thom Jurek
“… Gol­den Rule is Grossmann’s tenth album and it’s deep. This is the third date with her cur­rent quar­tet, … The com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ve intui­ti­on of this group is not only empa­thic, it seems tele­ki­ne­tic in its anti­ci­pa­ti­on, colo­ra­ti­on, and arti­cu­la­ti­on of Grossmann’s inspi­red com­po­si­ti­ons infor­med direct­ly by medi­ta­ti­on. …  Gol­den Rule is an 87-minu­te jour­ney; it soot­hes, pro­vo­kes, exhorts, cajo­les, and beck­ons the lis­tener ever deeper into its inner arti­cu­la­ti­ons of peace and tur­bu­lence in Grossmann’s always affir­ma­ti­ve lan­guage that is as pregnant with spi­ri­tu­al mea­ning as it is breath­ta­king sophisti­ca­ti­on.” and Bio­gra­phy in All­Mu­sic gui­de by Thom Jurek

–>  Inter­view with Mar­co Tor­res Wal­ker from Dia­rio de Ibi­za, Jan 2019

–>  UK Vibe hono­r­able men­ti­on of GOLDEN RULE: Nr.1 JAZZ ALBUM OF THE YEAR 2018
” … Having now lis­tened to all 10 albums, we can but feel a sen­se of reli­ef in the bril­li­an­ce unco­ve­r­ed. A name we are going to keep a very clo­se eye on in 2019 …”

–>  15/12/2018  new album  GOLDEN RULE  on CD out !!
with Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic on gui­tar, Gina Schwarz on bass and Uros Sta­men­ko­vic on drums

–>  19/12/2018 Inter­view with Muri­el Gross­mann: “The mind is not­hing but a gre­at tool to bring our true essence forth” by jazz cri­tic: Simon Sargs­y­an in JazzBluesNews.Space

–>  28/11/2018 Neon Jazz Inter­view with Muri­el Grossmann

–>  Review in Chi­ca­go-based Dus­ty Groo­ve record store
“Sea­ring work from saxo­pho­nist Muri­el Gross­mann – a play­er who clear­ly draws a lot of inspi­ra­ti­on from late 60s John Col­tra­ne – but who also turns out a record here that’s com­ple­te­ly her own! … – This is deep stuff – not an easy nod to the spi­ri­tu­al sce­ne, but a much richer record – extre­me­ly well-con­cei­ved and exe­cu­t­ed.” Dus­ty Groove

–>  Hono­ura­ble men­ti­on en UK VIBE ! ‘ GOLDEN RULEALBUM OF THE MONTH DEC 2018’
” Muri­el Grossmann’s Quar­tet evo­ke the true beau­ty, sin­ce­ri­ty and joy of Col­tra­ne, whilst suc­cess­ful­ly musi­cal­ly sin­ging out in their own voice, crea­ting new ide­as with a refres­hing ver­ve and skill. “Gol­den Rule” is qui­te sim­ply an incredi­ble album, inven­ti­ve, full of cha­rac­ter, and to my ears, a musi­cal joy to behold.”  Mike Gates, review for UK Vibe

–>  ‘Gol­den Rule’ review by Andrew Jones in Down­beat, USA  Dec 2018, p 64
“Gol­den Rule con­veys medi­ta­ti­ve tran­qui­li­ty and ecsta­tic joy  …  Gross­mann show­ca­ses her abi­li­ty to get the best of a tune melo­di­cal­ly. She plays a solo so lyri­cal every bar feels like a dis­cre­te com­po­si­ti­on … The dyna­mism of its soloists and the quartet’s tele­ki­ne­tic per­for­mance deli­vers the album’s aim: pro­vi­ding a lis­tening expe­ri­ence akin to trans­cen­dence.” 
Andrew Jones

–>  ‘Gol­den Rule’ review by Leo­nid Aus­kern in Jazz­Quad, Bela­rus, 2018
“Tra­ne, espe­cial­ly the late Tra­ne, regar­ded music as a kind of sac­red, spi­ri­tu­al act. Fol­lowing him, Muri­el Gross­man aspi­res to the same spi­ri­tua­li­ty in her music, and — damn it! — she’s gre­at at it! … I con­si­der her new pro­ject GOLDEN RULE to be the crea­ti­ve pin­na­cle of this talen­ted jazz lady and her stron­gest work up to this date.” Leo­nid Auskern

–>  New release   12“Vinyl x 2LP   GOLDEN RULE   by  RR GEMS Records
meet the label: Inter­view
with Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic on gui­tar, Gina Schwarz on bass and Uros Sta­men­ko­vic on drums

Muriel Grossmann GOLDEN RULE, RRGEMS05

–>  Con­cert: Muri­el Gross­mann Quar­tet plays …  opens Eivis­sa Jazz 2018, 30 years anni­ver­s­a­ry Fri­day 31st of August, 2018  21h Paseo Vara de Rey , Ibi­za, Illes Balears
with Gina Schwarz on con­tra­bass & Uros Sta­men­ko­vic on drums
Con­cert review by Juan Anto­nio Ser­ra­no Cer­van­tes in 

–>  ‚Momen­tum‘ review by Marc Sar­ra­zy in Impro­jazz, July 2018
“… by its struc­tu­re inde­ed, its flam­boyant path, its moving chants and the solar flights of the saxo­pho­ne, Momen­tum can be read as a poi­gnant homage to A Love Supre­me … And Momen­tum: a monu­ment of what is cal­led spi­ri­tu­al jazz. ” Marc Sarrazy

–>  15/12/2017 Inter­view with Muri­el Gross­mann: “I have the fee­ling the music comes through us not from us” by jazz cri­tic: Simon Sargs­y­an in JazzBluesNews.Space 

–>  ‚Momen­tum‘ review by Elliott Simon in New York City Jazz Records, March 2018
” … Gross­mann is clear­ly in con­trol as she uses tenor, alto and sopra­no to lead band and lis­tener on a jour­ney that takes off like a mis­si­le, pas­ses through medi­ta­ti­on, reaches nir­va­na and ends with thanks­gi­ving … ” Elli­ot Simon

–>  ‚Momen­tum‘ review by Masayu­ki Koi­to in Jazz Maga­zi­ne The Walker’s 2017 Vol. 51, Japan

–>   Hono­r­able Men­ti­on of ‘Momen­tum’ in New York City Jazz Record Maga­zi­ne Dec/2018

–>  ‚Momen­tum‘ review by Chris­ti­an Bakonyi in Con­cer­to Dec/2017,  Aus­tria
” … it offers a won­der­ful jour­ney into the jazz, that was once play­ed by John Col­tra­ne …” Chris­ti­an Bakonyi

–>  15/10/2017   new album   Momen­tum  out !
with Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic on gui­tar, Gina Schwarz on bass and Uros Sta­men­ko­vic on drums

–>  Pho­tos: Muri­el Gross­mann Quar­tet plays … in Vienna

Sunday 15th of Octo­ber, 2017  20h CAFE7STERN, Vien­na
with Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic guit,  Gina Schwarz  b & Uros Sta­men­ko­vic  dr —  sp. guest Andre­as Plank on piano

–>  Pho­to expo­si­ti­on of José Luis Luna in the Eivis­sa Townhall
with fotos of  ‘Eivis­sa Jazz 2013–2016′ 

–>  Con­cert: Muri­el Gross­mann Quar­tet plays … in Formentera
Thurs­day 6th of July, 2017  20.30h CASA DEL POBLE , Form­en­te­ra, Illes Balears
with Gina Schwarz on con­tra­bass & Uros Sta­men­ko­vic on drums

–>  Pho­tos: Muri­el Gross­mann Quar­tet plays … in Pal­ma de Mallorca:
Tues­day 20th of June, 2017  20.30h CASTILLO SON VIDA, Mal­lor­ca, Illes Balears
with Gina Schwarz on con­tra­bass & Uros Sta­men­ko­vic on drums

–>  Jazz & Music Maga­zi­ne  “The Walker’s”  new issue “2017 Vol.49”
Masayu­ki Koi­to  invi­ted me to be part of the “3 wis­hes of Jazz Musi­ci­ans”thank you !

–>  New Vide­os from con­cert on PLAZA MAYOR, Pal­ma de Mal­lor­ca, 30/04/17
with Gina Schwarz on con­tra­bass & Uros Sta­men­ko­vic on drums

–>   Ibi­za Spring Tour - Muri­el Gross­mann Quar­tet 23 — 25/03/17
with Gina Schwarz on con­tra­bass & Uros Sta­men­ko­vic on drums

–>   Hono­r­able Men­ti­on of ‘Natu­ral Timein New York City Jazz Record Maga­zi­ne Dec/2017

–>  ‚Natu­ral Time‘ review by Chris­ti­an Bakonyi in Con­cer­to April/2016, Austria
” … has again brought out with “Natu­ral Time”, as well as with the albums befo­re a timel­ess­ly beau­ti­ful, inten­se Album, inspi­red by Coltrane’s Sound. … Albums with this cer­tain jazz spi­ri­tua­li­ty have beco­me rare, the more important that with the saxo­pho­nist Muri­el Gross­mann someo­ne is the­re, to not let us for­get this spi­ri­tua­li­ty. …” Chris­ti­an Bakonyi

–>  Con­cert: Muri­el Gross­mann Quar­tet plays… in Formentera:
Wed­nes­day 27th of July, 2016 CASA DEL POBLE in Formentera

–>  Con­cert: Muri­el Gross­mann Quar­tet plays… at Inge­nio Jazz & Wine Festival:
Thurs­day 6th of July, 2016 TERRAZA TEATRO GALILEO in Madrid.

–>  ‘Natu­ral Time’ review by Leo­nid Aus­kern in Jazz­Quad, Bela­rus, 2016
“… and for all this pro­found­nes, this music is sur­pri­sin­gly easy to lis­ten …” Leo­nid Auskern

–>   Video from ‘Natu­ral Time’ Pre­sen­ta­ti­on Tour, 2016

–>   Arti­cle of Mihá­ly Czé­kus in Hang­zás­Világ Maga­zin Hun­ga­ry, Feb/2016

–>   Pho­tos of  
Natu­ral Time’ Pre­sen­ta­ti­on Tour Jan/2016

–>   1/1/2016   out now!   Natu­ral Time  on Cd
with Rado­mir Milo­j­ko­vic on gui­tar, Gina Schwarz on bass and Uros Sta­men­ko­vic on drums