Review of Union in Avopolis by Zois Chalkiopoulos, Athens, Jan 2022

Review of Uni­on in Avo­po­lis by Zois Chal­kio­pou­los, Athens, Jan 2022

Ori­gi­nal arti­cle here


Muri­el Gross­mann — Uni­on: Ame­ri­ca­na in Euro­pean jazz, in a mix that does not go unnoticed.

Strong women always impress. May­be I do not say this out of many expe­ri­en­ces, but in any case when I see it hap­pen, I feel bet­ter and bet­ter. It may be her fault that she is Aus­tri­an and we all now know about the strict­ness and gra­vi­ty of the Aus­tri­ans. Muri­el Gross­mann is one of tho­se music cases that puts you in a good posi­ti­on to sit down and fol­low them blind­ly in What They Do. And not unjus­t­ly. In Union‘s music the­re is some­thing so well struc­tu­red, some­thing so strikin­gly the­re, that you do not want to miss anything from the next step.

I do not like covers with peop­le stan­ding the­re and smi­ling, I have a deni­al of the smi­ling por­traits on the records. Rumors want the musi­ci­ans who smi­le on their covers not to catch pri­ces, In addi­ti­on to not deny­ing their lis­teners. But as for her music it fits defi­ni­te­ly well. Uni­on is her latest release, again from the Esto­ni­an RR GEMS label, again, with the flag of Saint Col­tra­ne, mira­cles hap­pen wit­hin her band. Once again the sound is hea­vy and over­whel­ming. Spi­ri­tu­al style and modal rhyth­ms are per­fect­ly intert­wi­ned with the gui­tar that real­ly impres­ses on each of her records. An Ame­ri­can sound in Euro­pean Jazz, a plea­sant mix that does not go unno­ti­ced no mat­ter how many times it enters the turn­ta­ble. One of the best of the year that lea­ves us with the stron­gest moment the ele­ven minu­tes “Hap­pi­ness” of the first side. Excel­lent pro­duc­tion, as well as pres­sing for vinyl eaters. Go for it. Lis­ten ! Zois Chal­kio­pou­los, Jan 2022, Athens


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