Uros Stamenkovic

Uros Sta­men­ko­vic (Bel­gra­de)

The drum­mer Uros Sta­men­ko­vic was born in Bel­gra­de, Ser­bia and began play­ing drums as a teen­ager. At 17 he alrea­dy play­ed in pres­ti­gious venues and fes­ti­vals of his home­town and in his country.

His edu­ca­ti­on was foun­ded by local icons such as Luka Bos­ko­vic’ and Miro­lav Kar­lo­vic’, which also led to his depar­tu­re to Bar­ce­lo­na, Spain, with a full scho­l­ar­s­hip at the L’Au­la de Musi­ca Moder­na I Jazz (Con­ser­va­to­ri Supe­ri­or de Músi­ca del Liceu), foun­der and mem­ber of the Ber­klee Inter­na­tio­nal net­work to stu­dy. Under the inst­ruc­tions of Pro­fes­sor Quim Sole and guest musi­ci­ans, such as the legen­da­ry Ed Soph, Uros gra­dua­ted with a Mas­ter of Con­tem­pora­ry Music and Jazz.

After his gra­dua­ti­on in 2006, Uros had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to tra­vel through Euro­pe and he explo­red both Eas­tern and Wes­tern Euro­pean music. His focus, howe­ver, always remai­ned on jazz and blues.

In 2008 he moved to Toron­to, Cana­da, whe­re he expan­ded his know­ledge regar­ding the histo­ry and foun­da­ti­on of the drum set. In the jazz sce­ne in Toron­to, he col­la­bo­ra­ted with many musi­ci­ans (Bren­dan Davis, Lee Wal­la­cem Jeff LaRo­chel­le, Jus­tin Gray, John May­er, Dani­el Eas­ty, Jung­ho­on Choi, Jona­than Kay, Sal Ros­sel­li, etc.). In addi­ti­on, he was head of the Blues band ‘The Hol­ler and the Cat­fi­sh’ and led his own funk band with Adam Tei­xei­ra, ‘Funk Explosion’.

During this time he had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to col­la­bo­ra­te with up com­ing musi­ci­ans from New York such as Sean Con­ley, Bran­don McCu­ne, Rale Micic and also stu­di­ed with Nas­heet Waits.

2013 he moved back to Ser­bia and worked regu­lar­ly with his own jazz trio. From 2014 onwards Muri­el Gross­mann invi­ted him to play con­certs for record­ings as a mem­ber of the Muri­el Gross­man Quartet.